I Asked Redditors How To Make A Vision Board

5 min readJan 7, 2023


Practical and real-life tips on how to make a vision board, as per ChatGPT and Reddit users.

How to make a vision board. Practical and real-life tips on how to create a vision board from Reddit users.

Ever since the start of December 2022, I have been thinking about making a vision board. However, the main issue was I didn’t know where or how to start. So I decided to make things easy for myself and asked ChatGPT, but I didn’t get a convincing answer. Then, I went on to Reddit and asked for some practical tips from Redditors! I wasn’t expecting to get many answers, but to my surprise, everyone shared their practical tips on the vision board.

How to Make a Vision Board

Vision boards are basically a collection of your ideal images and/or words that represent your future goals. They are especially helpful to manifest your short or long-term goals. If you are determined to achieve your goals in 2023, here’s how to make a vision board:

Gather supplies from your local stationery

You will need a large piece of paper or cardboard, scissors, glue, and various magazines or printouts of images representing your goals and aspirations.

Choose your focus carefully

Think about what you want to manifest in your life. This could be anything from a new career to a better relationship to a desire for personal growth.

Find images

Flip through magazines or search online to find images representing your goals and aspirations. Cut out the images and set them aside.

Write down your goals

In addition to using images, you can also write down your goals and aspirations on small pieces of paper.

Arrange your vision board

Lay out all of your images and words on your piece of paper or cardboard. Move them around until you are happy with the arrangement.

Glue everything down

Once you are happy with the layout, glue everything down.

Display your vision board

Hang your vision board in a place where you will see it every day, such as on the wall in your bedroom or office.

Things to Focus on When Making a Vision Board

There are a few main things to focus on when making a vision board:

Your goals and aspirations

The purpose of a vision board is to visualize and manifest your goals and aspirations, so it’s important to focus on what you want to achieve.

Positive language and imagery

Use positive language and imagery on your vision board to help attract what you want into your life. Avoid using negative words or images that could have a negative impact on your mindset.


Make your vision board personal to you. Use images and words that have meaning and resonance for you, and that truly represent your goals and aspirations.

Focus and clarity

Be specific and clear about what you want to manifest on your vision board. The more specific and clear you are, the more powerful your vision board will be.

Visual appeal

Make your vision board visually appealing. Use a variety of colors, textures, and fonts to create a visually interesting and dynamic collage.

Practical and Real-Life Tips on How to Create a Vision Board

Here is a list of summarized tips from Redditers on how to create a vision board:

Using Spreadsheets to Make a Vision Board

If you’re a fan of excel and spreadsheets like me, then use it to create your vision board.

I especially liked this idea of making a vision board because it helps to keep things organized.

Creating a vision board on spreadsheets allows you to track your habits and focus on your goals. This is a vital step to fulfilling your vision successfully. Additionally, you can measure the number of days left in a month or a year and the % of goals accomplished. This will help to keep you on your toes.

Spend Time Journaling, Meditating, or Visualizing About Your Ideal Future to Create a Vision Board

Before creating your vision board, you should consider your goals and your ideal future. This will help you to fast forward your vision board creation process and also help you to manifest your ideal future.

Feel the senses when journaling, meditating, or visualizing your ideal future.

For instance, if you want a new car, then imagine deeply. Think about how your new car will smell and the feel of it. Use all your five senses when imagining your goals.

Make Your Vision Boards HUGE!

You can dream BIG, and you can make your vision boards even bigger!

When you genuinely work to create your vision board, you will become more attached to it and likely to see it more often.

Please put it in your office, bedroom, kitchen, and anywhere you mostly spend time.

Include a Vision Board Journal

Simply visualizing and pasting your dream future on a board probably won’t be effective in the long term.

To make your vision board effective, get yourself a vision board journal where you can track your progress and put in practical actions to fulfill your dreams.

Focus on Three Categories

When making your vision board, if you are confused about your goals and their timeframe, focus on these three categories:

  1. Include things that make you feel good:
    They can be comfort things as well as things that really excite you. For example, food or sports, or family/friends.
  2. Things you want in the short-term (3–6 months):
    Keep some things you want to achieve in the short-term, within 3 to 6 months, as this will help yougain confidence and maintain trust in your vision board.
  3. Big dreams you want to achieve in the long-term(2–5 years):
    By dividing the specific things you want to achieve in the long-term will help you to keep your eye on the goal. It is highly unlikely you will achieve your ultimate big goals in a shorter timeframe so it is important to keep your dreams a bit realistic.

Please share your vision boards in the comments below!

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An avid-reader on business & economics, I have been a market researcher & business writer for the past five years and counting.